What Are The Benefits Of Cupping?

There are many different forms of therapy. Many of these therapies have been scientifically proven to help us, physically or mentally. Some practices have even been around for thousands of years and have stood against the test of time. At Hand in Hand, we offer occupational therapy near Westbury, and we offer many different services, including cupping therapy. Research shows that cupping therapy has a plethora of benefits which we will discover in this blog post. 

What is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a therapist places cups on the skin that can be heated up to create suction. Records even show that this practice has been dated back to 1550 B.C. from Ancient Egypt and is also practiced in various other cultures around the world. 

What are the Benefits

You might be thinking, “what could having suction cups attached to my back possibly do for me?” The benefits might shock you. Cupping therapy has been scientifically proven to have benefits for many of those who choose to undergo treatment. 

Here are a few benefits to cupping therapy:

  • Promotes the skin’s blood flow for more vibrant skin

  • Increases pain thresholds 

  • Reduces inflammation throughout the body 

  • Release built-up muscle tension 

  • Boosts cellular immunity

Studies have shown that cupping therapy may even help remove toxins by stimulating the immune response, both locally and systemically. It does this by reducing uric acid in your body. Uric acid is a natural waste product that is a by-product of digesting certain foods, and too much of it can lead to high levels of acidity in the blood and urine. Doesn’t sound good, does it? If you need occupational therapy near Westbury, our team got you covered.

Contact us:

Our team of Therapists and medical professionals at Hand in Hand dedicate ourselves to helping you achieve a healthier lifestyle. The occupational therapy near Westbury that we offer is committed to providing you with all the information necessary to get you started. For more information, visit us at our webpage, and our team will set you up with a consultation today.