How Do I Know if My Elbow Pain Is Serious?

The elbow is a complex joint, so various problems can occur. It is made up of the humerus, the ulna, and the radius, along with ligaments and tendons. If anything happens to these parts, then elbow pain can arise. Elbow pain can be the symptom of a one-time injury, a wear and tear injury, or a disease. Our elbow doctor in Garden City can address elbow conditions and associated pain at Hand In Hand Occupational Therapy Of LI

One-time Injuries 

One-time injuries can appear in the elbow due to an event such as a fall or blunt force. Some examples of these injuries include:

  • Dislocated Elbow

  • Fractured Elbow

  • Strains

  • Sprains

Wear and Tear Injuries

Unlike one-time injuries, wear and tear elbow injuries occur over time. They can result from repetitive actions and wear and tear on your elbow. Wear and tear injuries commonly occur during physical activity, such as sports. Some wear and tear injuries that can appear in the elbow and cause pain include the following:

  • Bursitis

  • Tennis Elbow

  • Golfer’s Elbow

  • Trapped Nerves

  • Stress Fractures


Several diseases can cause pain in the elbow along with other symptoms. Some diseases that result in pain in the elbow include:

  • Arthritis

  • Osteochondritis Dissecans

  • Gout

  • Lupus

  • Lyme Disease

How Do I Know if My Elbow Pain Is Serious?

The severity of your elbow pain can vary depending on the seriousness of your condition or injury. Elbow pain can be considered severe if it does not go away with at-home treatment. It is advised to schedule an office visit with our elbow doctor in Garden City if the following occurs:

  • Severe pain, swelling or bruising around the elbow joint.

  • Difficulty moving the elbow or arm normally.

  • Pain occurs when you’re not using your arm.

Contact Our Office

Elbow pain can be due to an injury or disease that affects the elbow and the surrounding parts. Thankfully, elbow pain can be examined by our elbow doctor in Garden City. At Hand In Hand Occupational Therapy Of LI, we can address your concerns and treat elbow pain with one of our many services. Contact our team today to get started!