How To Avoid Wrist Pain From Typing

Actions with your arms and wrist, such as typing in the same position for an extended period, can sometimes begin to affect the surrounding area. This leads to stiffness and weakness, which, unfortunately, is an uncomfortable feeling. At Hand in Hand Occupational Therapy, our wrist doctor Garden City will provide you with the best hand rehabilitation to restore proper function.

What is wrist pain?

Wrist pain is a condition that is caused by a variety of reasons. Typically, common causes are sprain and tendonitis. However, pain often varies by type of cause. Symptoms include:

  • Shooting pain or ache

  • Inability to hold objects or use arm

  • Pain lasting more than a few days

  • Unable to flex 

  • Swelling

  • Numbness or tingling

What causes wrist pain?

Wrist pain is typically caused by conditions like a sprain or tendonitis; however, misuse and overuse play the main role. You might be playing sports or doing strenuous activities that put pressure on your wrists. Typing in the same position without mobility every so often can cause wrists and hands to become stiff. Some conditions include

  • Sprain - Wrist ligaments stretching or moving past their limits. For example, falling on your hand puts a lot of pressure on your wrist. This injury causes pain and swelling with movement.

  • Tendonitis - Tendons suddenly become swollen and inflamed from repetitive actions such as typing or playing sports like tennis or golf. If tendons are inflamed, you might not be able to grip objects properly.

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - A common condition that is caused by repetitive motions. This leads to inflammation and a pinched nerve. The nerve is compressed, which causes numbness and tingling.

  • Arthritis - Different types of arthritis can affect the wrist because of joint damage as well as wear and tear over time.

A diagnosis for wrist pain is made based on medical history, symptoms, and physical examination. Our wrist doctor Garden City will provide an X-ray exam to observe the bones, muscles, and other tissues. Depending on the suspected condition, there will be different tests given, such as the tinel test for carpal tunnel syndrome or joint aspiration for septic arthritis. 

How do you avoid wrist pain from typing?

To prevent wrist pain or further pain, our wrist doctor Garden City suggests considering self-care strategies:

  • You want to be as mobile as possible to keep your blood flowing. 

  • Taking a rest from activity and stretching is important. 

  • Clenching fists.

  • Building hand and wrist strength by squeezing a tennis ball firmly.

  • Overhead reach stretches will help blood circulation and increase flexibility.

To soothe wrist pain, here are some tips:

  • Rest - Rest your wrist to let the swelling go down.

  • Ice - Ice the area for 15 to 20 minutes.

  • Compression - Wrap the wrist.

  • Immobilization - Support braces for the wrist can help.

Hand in Hand Occupational Therapy

At Hand in Hand Occupational Therapy, our wrist doctor Garden City will provide you with the best care and proper treatment. To schedule your appointment, contact us now!